Monday, July 11, 2005

still fucked up...

I still feel terribly fucked up over upsetting Evon. Like, horribly horribly so, especially evident if you read today's Xanga entry. How not to? It was blatantly obvious that it was my mistake, and I didn't have the guts to apologise, even after she told me how she likes her apologies. Haha. Last night's lame attempt at apologising is hilarious, ironically. I find it so funny that a wordsmith like me could lose his tongue when confronted by anyone. But then again, this isn't just anyone. She's my girl, and I'd bloody fucking hate to hurt her. Which I did, and sadly probably will again. Ah!

I should just die...

I should just die
No question about it
Or better still
Never have been
It would have made more sense that way
If I never held sway
Over the things I do now
Or rather what I didn't
But the bottom line is
For what I did
Or will do to her
I should just die...

Jin out.


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